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Release Announcement: Six Days Playtest Alpha Version 1.0.0 Now Live!

We are thrilled to announce the release of the Alpha Version 1.0.0 playtest for our upcoming horror survival game, Six Days! This marks the first public version of the game, and we can’t wait for you to experience it.

What’s in the Alpha?

In this Alpha Playtest, you’ll get to play through the first three days of the game. We’ve focused on testing the core gameplay mechanics and ensuring the game functions smoothly. This version includes:

  • Puzzle-solving mechanics: Test your wits and solve challenging puzzles to uncover the mystery.
  • Resource management: Manage your energy and close doors to keep the demon at bay.
  • Camera and computer navigation: Use your computer to explore hidden corners of the internet and track the demon’s movements.

Your Role as a Tester

This playtest is critical for us to gather feedback on the core mechanics, functionality, and overall experience of the game. We need your insights on:

  • Gameplay mechanics: How do the puzzles, resource management, and navigation feel?
  • Technical performance: Did you encounter any bugs or glitches? Let us know!
  • Overall experience: Was the atmosphere tense and immersive? Did the game deliver on its horror elements?

How to Share Feedback

We have set up three easy ways for you to provide feedback:

  1. Discord Server: Join our community to chat with fellow testers and share real-time feedback.
  2. Survey Forms: Fill out our quick surveys for detailed feedback on gameplay and bugs.
  3. Direct Email: You can also send us your thoughts directly via email.

How to Access the Playtest

Simply log into your Steam account and download the playtest version of Six Days!

What’s Next?

This is just the beginning! Alpha Version 1.0.0 covers the first three days of the game, but future updates and phases will expand on the content, adding new gameplay elements, puzzles, and more. We’ll continue to release updates based on your feedback, so stay tuned for exciting developments.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us. Your feedback will help shape the future of Six Days, and we’re excited to hear what you think!


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